He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.
And to hope to be healthy is the first step towards body wellness. Have you been trying to improve your health, but are not sure how to begin? Worry not, because you have already taken a step towards a healthy lifestyle, by deciding to improve.
As for how to achieve better health, you can rely on us.
Who are we?
We are providers of weight management services, and take a holistic approach to help you improve your health. While most health services will provide cookie cutter weight loss programs, we know that not one program will work for everyone. Therefore, we develop a custom weight-loss program just for you.
We also provide holistic services for full-body wellness. One of our goals is to make sure that you have the necessary supplements to be healthy. Our supplementation plans treat:
- Hormone imbalances
- High blood pressure
- Low vitamin levels
- Gut issues
- Chronic inflammation
Additionally, we help with stress and lifestyle management through guidance and coaching.
Ashley's STORY
CEO of Love Active Bodies, Ashely Booker is the depiction of Journey’s “small town girl” hailing from Appomattox, V.A.. At just thirty years old, her life experiences have laid the groundwork for her business & through Love Active Bodies, she strives to share the lessons she’s learned with others. Through a series of unfortunate events, Ashley began to learn just how limited Western Medicine truly was, which led her to follow a more holistic approach to dealing with her own health struggles. Through that, she developed a wealth of knowledge that she wanted to share with others; to encourage them not to just put bandaids on their struggles, but to get to the root & heal them.
Ashley was always an energetic & fun person, who loved to play sports, dance, & be outdoors. During college, she began to face some health struggles with virtually no explanations. After landing her first job out of college as a dietary manager, she had to quit soon after due to extreme fatigue and weakness. She visited countless doctors & specialists who couldn’t seem to get to the root of her problem, so she turned to Google. Her online searches brought her to learn about Lyme Disease & after seeing a specialist, she tested positive (while pregnant with her first child).
After going for treatment in Florida, Ashley realized that most of her symptoms improved with natural remedies, which influenced her to change her focus on nutrition. Now three years in remission, Ashley wants to share the lessons she learned through her own personal healthy journey, with others. She believes in the power of holistic medicine & holistic nutrition, focusing on preventative care through Love Active Bodies. With gentle & natural treatment, Ashley is passionate about preventing health issues in her clients through diet, & lifestyle changes. With sustainable results that she can stand behind because she’s experienced them firsthand, Ashley is preaching that Love Active Bodies isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle, & that re-shaping what you’re used to, can greatly affect where you’re going.